
A cost-effective solution to improve user experience.


 Happy Signals - Experience-driven decision making and IT experience management

HappySignal's IT Experience Management Platform enables you to truly put your end users at the center. Measure experiences, share experience data, identify improvements and improve what matters most - all in one platform.

✔ Understand where and why your end users are dissatisfied or wasting time.
✔ Use ticket-based and proactive surveys to continuously measure the entire IT department.
✔ Get experience insights and make data-driven decisions to improve in different IT areas such as: Ticket-based services, overall IT experience, business applications, computers, mobile devices, collaboration with IT, office environment, remote working and service portal.

A leading ITXM platform

HappySignals offers all the features to bring the IT Experience Management Framework™ (ITXM) into your daily work.


Create XLAs for all your needs

Only people can experience things. Processes and technology contribute to the experience, but the actual experience is ultimately what the end user perceives. The experience, as perceived by the end users themselves, is the outcome that IT should strive to provide and that XLAs should reflect.

The standardized data collected through HappySignals allows you to create and modify XLAs without touching your ITSM tool. Furthermore, all experience data in HappySignals is comparable, as they all measure the same human experience with IT. XLAs can be created for any level of detail by simply selecting the team or service and time period.

Easily update your XLAs

The experience is not static, and neither should the XLA levels be. As circumstances change, XLAs should be updated to reflect achievable and realistic target levels. With HappySignals, you can easily edit Experience Level Targets to change XLAs as needed.

The simplicity of HappySignals XLA Management makes it easy to set up XLAs for different IT providers and partners. HappySignals has been successfully used in various service integration and management (SIAM) approaches.


One platform for every step of ITXM

Take a look at this short demo to see how everything fits together on the HappySignals platform.

HappySignals draws on the experience of millions of employees in 130 countries. Several years and conversations with 1000s of customers have been spent to develop an optimized solution. HappySignals ' solution has helped their customers make their employees happier and also increase productivity by 26%.


Want to know more about Happy signals? Contact us!

Happy Signals Demo:


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