Education and training

When implementing the solutions we work with, training is of course an incredibly important part.

Synerity can offer a range of training options tailored to your organization's needs. Both during implementation and in the form of continuous training. Skills development is a key to success, and important for each individual organization and its employees.

We help you identify your training needs and opportunities based on your processes and working methods, adapted to the solution's best practices. Our trainings are characterized by target group adapted knowledge, competent lecturers and are a natural meeting place for experience exchange and networking. We also have the opportunity to customize the content and structure of all our trainings and courses according to your organization's needs and wishes.

In addition to our tailor-made courses, we currently offer the following courses in a number of different locations:

Zendesk Basic education
Freshservice Basic education
Freshdesk Basic education Basic training

(see respective link above for more information and registration)

General conditions for scheduled courses



